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Our founding Bishop, Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) was a great apologist for Orthodoxy in Britain. His deep yet accessible manner made him a very popular speaker. Likewise, in helping to grow in the Orthodox faith, there are a few links below to some useful resources which may be of help. There are many other internet resources available - as well as our Cathedral and Oxford Parish, having bookshops which sell a variety of items and materials.


In this video Fr. Maxim talks about one of the Mysteries of Orthodox Christianity.


Confession Video

If, as we have said, we commemorate each of the saints with hymns and appropriate songs of praise, how much more should we celebrate the memory of Peter and Paul, the supreme Leaders of the pre-eminent company of the Apostles? They are the fathers and guides of all Christians: Apostles, martyrs, holy ascetics, priests, hierarchs, pastors and teachers.


St. Gregory of Nyssa

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